Tips To Grow & Maintain Rose Plants Indoors

Miniature roses are best indoor flower plant. They can not only be grown easily but also easy to care and maintain. If you want to have a romantic feel in your house with flowers, you can grow roses in containers.

To spread the smell of roses in your house, you can plant hybrid rose especially lavender (sterling silver) and memorial roses are best flower plants for indoor gardening. If you want to grow rose plants indoors, here are gardening tips to plant, care and maintain rose plants in containers.

Indoor gardening tips for rose plants:

1. Plant rose bushes or shrubs in medium sized containers with 12-15 inches diameter. This helps the rose to grow and spread easily. The containers must have easy drainage.

2. It is best to grow rose plants in fertile, well drained soil to blossom. Water the rose plant once everyday during spring to keep the soil moist.

3. Place the rose plant containers under partial shade. It is good to keep the plant under sun for at least 4 hours everyday.

4. Fertilize in early spring during the new growth. This should be followed next during early summers.

5. If the rose plants start getting weeds, apply a 2 inch layer of mulch. This protects the plants from pests and keeps the soil moist.

6. When the plants starts spreading, prune them when required. This maintains the rose plants, also supports new growth and keeps the plants in shape.

7. Cut dead, dry, broken or crossing branches or canes while pruning rose plants. Cutting above an outward facing bud can make the canes grow out therefore keeping the center of the plant open and spacious for the buds.

Follow these gardening tips to grow and maintain rose plants indoors.


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