Apartment Garden: Top 5 Indoor Trees

Top 5 Indoor Trees For Apartment Garden:

1. Bonsai: They are a very famous Japanese art form of growing miniature trees. Typically a bonsai is a potted plant that is fully grown but dwarfed. It is an interesting phenomenon that takes a lot of specialized effort from an expert. If you are pressed for time then it is best to buy it from a nursery and place it in your indoor garden. Banyan miniature make the most striking bonsais because of the creepers coming down from them.

2. Ficus Tress: This are the best indoor plants to grow for greenery and foliage but there are more than 800 different varieties of this particular indoor tree alone! Some varieties need bright sunlight and others are moderately low light plants. Needless to say that you have to choose one from the later variety. Ficus trees are easy to care for in apartments by working people because they are fine with a few days of not watered soil.

3. Palm Tress: The palm family again encompasses a wide range of plants with varied characteristics. Some of them are better called plants because they are not more than 5-6 feet in height while the others can sometimes push 20 feet or more. Bamboo palm is the ideal variety of palm for indoor gardening because they reach to about 8 feet height, tall enough to be called a tree but not too tall for an apartment.

4. Pine: Do not start imagining dense mountain forests of coniferous pines because they are not appropriate for apartment gardens. What we are talking about is a Norfolk indoor pine tree or the famous Christmas tree that we bring into out homes every year. They reach up to maximum height of 8 feet but you can keep the height low by pruning. Make sure you sun every side of the pine tree because it is a tree that follows the sun; it will tilt in the direction of maximum sunlight.

5. Citrus Tress: If you live in a tropical country like India then growing dwarfed varieties of citrus tress is a cake walk. They need lots of sunlight which is available, humidity indoors and soil that doesn't hold water. With these three they are the best indoor tree plants to grow at home.

So use these gardening tips to have these indoor trees as a special feature of your indoor garden


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