Easy To Grow Summer Flower Plants

Summer is in and it is time to grow some plants which can grow well in this heat! To have a colourful garden even in the scorching heat, here are few summer flower plants which can be easily grown in your garden.

5 summer flowers for your garden:

Sunflower: This flower is good to grow in summer because it requires 7-8 hours of direct sunlight everyday to survive and grow. You can sow the seeds or just dig a deep hole to plant sunflowers. The plant needs water but avoid watering everyday. The garden must have easy drainage system.

Marigold: These are easy to grow summer flower plants. The marigold comes in different colours such as  white, yellow, orange, red and mixed colors . The flowers bloom from mid-summer till frost. You can either grow the marigold plant in a container indoors or spread in your garden.

Balsam: This annual flower plant can be planted in the early summer. The flowers start blooming in mid summer. The flowers are very similar to gardenias, roses or camellias and are available in different colours such as white, pink, rose, and red . Balsam prefers partial to full sun but protect the flower from afternoon sun.

Gladiolus: The beautiful star shaped summer flower plant is easy to grow and can add colours to your garden. The Gladiolus flower plant is available in colours such as  red, green, yellow and blue. The bright and elegant colours of this flower makes it the summer flower to grow easily.

Gardenia: The glossy leaves and cream coloured flowers can make the summer evenings loving! The aroma of gardenia flower is strong so it is best to best to grow this summer flower in the garden. You can grow gardenia plant under full or partial sun.

These are few summer flower plants which are not only easy to grow but are colourful too!


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