How To Design A Feng Shui Garden Indoors
These Feng Shui tips can be of help while you create a Feng Shui garden within your home.
Ideas For Feng Shui Garden:
- When you are doing indoor gardening, your options for plants you choose become limited. Especially when we are talking about Feng Shui plants, they need to represent the 5 universal elements Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.
- Now, wood can be found in woody trees like Jasmine tree that can be grown only outdoors. So how will you get 'wood' which is a symbol of property and wealth from your garden?
- Simple. Use bonsais to decorate your home. These miniature plants, usually of banyan trees are fully grown so much so that they have those creepers coming down but they are not more than a couple of feet in height!
- If you are using flowers to decorate your house then never use bunches of flowers in vases. In Feng Shui, flowers once cut or plucked are considered dead and dead things are sources of negative energy for the house. So, always use potted plants that have flower blossoms in your house instead of loose ones.
- Another big advantage of doing so is that is economical. The loose flowers are a recurring expense as they eventually dry out. But potted flowering plants are an one time investment!
- Grow rose bushes as they stand for beauty or hibiscus plants that represent abundance of joy, love and material belongings. Every flower has a special meaning so choose the one that suits your home the best.
- Use the lucky bamboo plant as a centrepeice or a part of your garden because it combines all the five elements of Feng Shui.
- Thorny plants are not good for indoor gardening in your home. So, cactus no matter how elegant it looks should be reserved for outdoors. Thorns pointed directly at a person radiate negative energy towards them.
- Water must fit in somewhere in your small garden design. Running water like fountains or miniature streams are very soothing due their soft sounds and also, they absorb all the negative energy in your home.
- You can have pools of water in empty corners or hide jagged ends of furniture with it. Water smooths over everything and that is why is such an essential in your Feng Shui garden. Moreover, 'water' too is an important element of Feng Shui that stands for direction and seriousness in life.
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